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Training of MIRAS in Ismayilly

Next training-seminar within the project “Tourism Perspectives of Archaeological Monuments and Support to Disabled Rehabilitation” was arranged in History and Local-Lore Museum of Ismayilly town. At the event the representatives of Ismayilly region Executive Power, the community members and also disabled people took part. The guests were also chairperson of GÜLSAM Public Union in Support to Disabled Rehabilitation, Gulnara Salimova, head of ARABAÇI TV, Ilham Maharramov and its correspondent Amid Hasanguliyev.
The event was opened by Sevil Ahmadova, deputy mayor of Ismayilly region and spoke about the project and attitude towards the MIRAS activity. Chairman of MIRAS Social Organization, PhD Fariz Khalilli gave short information on 5-year activity of MIRAS and the realized projects. He spoke about the importance of the project “Tourism Perspectives of Archaeological Monuments and Support to Disabled Rehabilitation” financed by Council on State Support to NGOs under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the work done within this project. Afterwards, MIRAS member and expert Gulshen Huseynova elucidated the outcomes of the surveys realized within the project mentioned. Views of 135 respondents in 100 surveyed facilities were announced during the report. Social problems of disabled people, inclusive tourism perspectives in the regions where the project is realized, the level of awareness of the surveyed people on this domain, the shortcomings appeared upon the evaluation of infrastructure in cultural and educational institutions, tourism agencies and other facilities were discussed among the society members with the participation of the region administration.
Next training was dedicated to “inclusive tourism perspectives of archaeological monuments”. The chairman of MIRAS Organization, speaker Fariz Khalilli while speaking on general situation of monuments like Javanshir Castle, Maiden Tower, Haji Majid afandi Mosque and others, gave wide information on the problems. He also touched upon the issues like quandary of the road towards Maiden Tower, restriction of the entrance to the monument near Giz Galasi resort and urgency of taking measures hereby. Chairperson of GÜLSAM Public Union in Support to Disabled Rehabilitation, Gulnara Salimova dealt with the activity of the organization, the arranged events, the work of the youth in the line of patriotism education.
ARABAÇI TV plays the role of the bridge among disabled people and state bodies in Azerbaijan and is online media organization elucidating their problems. Iham Maharramov giving comprehensive information on the done events spoke about the purposes and obligations and took an accent on the importance of inclusive tourism in integration of disabled people to the society. Assistant Professor of Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction who presented inclusive tourism plan of Medieval Agsu Town Archaeological Tourism Complex, Agasalim Azizov gave detailed information on existent world standards in this field. MIRAS researcher, ecologist-expert Elmira Abasova made a speech over “the significance of psychological treatment in the relationship of individual and society” talked about shortcomings admitted during the treatment with disabled people, the ways of their elimination and ecological aspects of the problem.
During the inclusive tourism presentation, the head of Cultural Heritage and Youth Department, Aida Malikova shared detailed information on inclusive tourism and world practice, statistics in this field and perspectives over Azerbaijan and sounded relevant proposals. Manager of Sarili LLC, MIRAS member Rahim Rahimli stated his proposals over inclusive tourism routes for Shamakhi, Ismayilly and Agsu regions. At the same time, he underscored appearance of serious problems in absence of inclusive tourism infrastructure in Azerbaijan and the users’ coming to Azerbaijan over this tourism type.
Fariz Khalilli speaking in the end dealt with the events arranged lately in Diyali, Basgal of Ismayilly region and Ismayilly city and the interest caused and expressed gratitude to the Executive Power for the created circumstance and also the participants. Along with Ismayilly, the training seminars were also held among the residents of Diyali and Basgal villages within the project. The training-seminar interesting for the local residents was memorable for real proposals and recommendations. There was held discussions around supporting study of either Haji Majid Afandi Mosque in Diyali Village, or the archaeological ruins in Galabashi in Basgal settlement and popularization in the future. The representative of Basgal branch executive power Novruz Asadov and representative of Diyali Village Executive Department, Rafael Mammadov stated that this project of MIRAS will help public unity of villages and settlements and the importance of inclusive tourism based educational issues.

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