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Meeting within the framework of "PICASP" project at Khazar University

 Within the framework of the PICASP project ("Pilot courses for industrial enterprises to implement university-enterprise cooperation in the development of the Caspian region") funded under the ERASMUS+ Program of the European Commission a meeting was held on May 23, 2023, at the Khazar University. Representatives of Khazar University and MIRAS Public Association (Dr.Jeyhun Mammadov, the dean of Economic and Management Faculty, Dr.Bahadir Baysal, the coordinator of the Economic and Management Department, Dr.FarizKhalilli, the chairman of the MIRAS, Mrs.Maleyka Huseynova the member of the MIRAS Board) as the project partners for Azerbaijan attended the meeting.


It is to be mentioned that different MİRAS-PİCASP seminars were organized on the last 2 months and more are planned to be realized till the end of this year. The prupose of these seminars is to create basis for university-enterprise cooperation in the cultural heritage, archaeology, museums and tourism spheres in the Casipan region. The program of the seminars was prepared according to the PICASP project by the MIRAS’s experts.


We should note that starting from 2021, “MIRAS” Public Union in Support of Studying Cultural Heritage is a partner of the PICASP project ("Pilot courses for industrial enterprises to implement university-enterprise cooperation in the development of the Caspian region") funded under the ERASMUS+ Program of the European Commission. The main goal of the project is to increase the competencies of the teachers in the small and medium business field, especially based on pilot courses combining theory and practice with the implementation of MOOCs (free open online courses). As well as to introduce new methodologies and teaching tools, to raise the level of personnel training in the field of cultural heritage protection, and most importantly, strengthening the potential in the field of higher education. For this purpose, during the current year, MIRAS Public Union will organize seminars, familiarization tours, trainings and expeditions with the participation of teachers and students of interested higher education institutions.


Oxunub : 2076