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PICASP project partners met in Vilnius

Within the framework of the PICASP project ("Pilot courses for industrial enterprises to implement university-enterprise cooperation in the development of the Caspian region") funded under the ERASMUS+ Program of the European Commission next meeting of the partners (Lituania, İtaly, Poland, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan) was held on September 25-27, 2023, at Vilnius. From Azerbaijan 15-person delegation by "MİRAS" Public Association, Azerbaijan Tourism and Management University and Khazar University took part in the meeting. Dr. Fariz Khalilli the project manager, Mrs. Maleyka Huseynova, the project coordinator, Mrs. Shahla Khalilli and Mrs. Gunel Seyidahmadli, the members of the “MİRAS” Management Board, represented “MİRAS” Public Association.

On the first day the meeting was organized at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Professor Arturas Kaklauskas, associate professor Nataliya Lepkova, Lukas Rekevičius Marius Galadauskas, Antanas Usas made detailed presentations and gave extensive information about the preservation of Lithuanian cultural heritage, innovative technologies in tourism, the latest opportunities for the tourism industry, the history and cultural heritage of Lithuanian Jews and its preservation, virtual travel applications to Lithuania at the meeting. At the same time, a comparative analysis of the experiences of the participating countries was conducted.

On the second day, a familiarization tour to the ancient part of Vilnius, to the Grand Duke's Palace and the archaeological museum located there, to Gediminas Castle, to the Vilnius National Museum was organized for the participants.

On the third day, at the meeting organized in the laboratory building of "LinkMenu factory" of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, project management issues, budget, planning, implemented activities, achieved results, planned activities, sustainability of the project, reports of countries were discussed. Dr. Fariz Khalilli presented a report covering the activities carried out by “MIRAS” within the framework of the project in 2023 and planned activities for the next project period.

It is to be mentioned that “MIRAS” Public Association in Support of Studying Cultural Heritage is a partner of the PICASP project since 2021. The main goal of the project is to increase the competencies of the teachers in the small and medium business field, especially based on pilot courses combining theory and practice with the implementation of MOOCs (free open online courses) and Practice Enterprise. As well as to introduce new methodologies and teaching tools, to raise the level of personnel training in the field of cultural heritage protection, and most importantly, strengthening the potential in the field of higher education. For this purpose, during the current year, MIRAS Public Association will organize seminars, familiarization tours, trainings and expeditions with the participation of teachers and students of interested higher education institutions.

Oxunub : 2061