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MIRAS Brought Together Agsu Schoolchildren and Theatre

Children and Youth Department of MIRAS Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage held next interesting event for children in Agsu region. The spectators met with the creative group of Baku Children’s Theatre at Agsu region Culture house on 4th May 2013 co-organized by MIRAS Organization and Baku Children’s Theatre.
The meeting arranged with the support of regional Executive Power and active participation of member of MIRAS Social Organization, Ayten Maharramova grew great interest at the region. Children from Agsu who had no opportunity to watch theatre since long years created great event in Agsu cultural house.
According to head of Children and Youth Department of MIRAS Social Organization, Nijat Nuriyev, “Shrek and friends” tale-spectacle was performed for schoolchildren by the theatre actors. Even their interest caused the spectacle’s twice performance on the same day.
Representative of Agsu region Executive Power, Izay Inayatov and art director of Baku Children’s Theatre, Intigam Soltan expressed gratitude for arrangement of this meeting and stressed their consideration of this event significant.

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