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MIRAS Presented “Clean Village” Project in Spain

On 22-27 September 2014 the SOPA14- II International Congress on Education and Socialization Heritage in Rural Areas was held in in Celanova province of Galicia, Spain by “Underground Archaeology”, Celanova municipality and Ourens Council.
The conference attended by 200 experts from 10 countries of the world aimed at familiarization with the regions where cultural heritage monuments exist and main theme of the conference was “free cultures”. Along with researches from Spain, Portugal, France, G. Britain, Mexico, Argentine, Peru, Uruguay, experts from Azerbaijan also took part at the conference. Azerbaijan was represented at international conference by MIRAS Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage.
The poster of PhD Fariz Khalilli, chairman of MIRAS Social Organization in Support of Studying of Cultural Heritage, researches Arzu Soltan and Gulshan Huseynova entitled “Project “Clean Village-Protection of Ecological and Ethnographic Identity with Participation of Local Communes and Sustainable Development” was presented there. The project was financed by the Council of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under the Auspices of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in March-August, 2014 and realized in three villages of Agsu region-Chiyni, Ulguj and Gagali Village.
The poster and the topic caused interest at the conference.

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